Friday, January 2, 2015

Wrapping up 2014

As we conclude 2014 we are very grateful to Heavenly Father for giving us this call to serve our mission in Tonga. We are grateful for the tender mercies shown us in preparing us for this mission, for helping us get through all that we needed to do in order to be ready to accept this call.  We recognize His blessing us with good health so we could be in the south pacific and work in Tonga at Liahona High with the gracious and loving Tongan Latter Day Saints, who are examples of great faith.  2014 has been a marvelous year for us and we are ever so grateful for this wonderful year.

Our Christmas Table




Left – Wise men with gifts and ‘pig’

Right – Shepherds with staffs

Center - Two Angels and Shepherd boy

Back – Joseph and Mary and Baby


These Sister Missionaries came to our apartment and brought us a Book of Mormon and asked us to find someone we could gift the book to for Christmas. Christmas afternoon we visited the pediatric ward of the hospital and shared some Christmas wishes with those who were there.  We placed our Book of Mormon with a family who spent the day at the hospital with their 10 year old son.
Elder Gifford Nielson is in our South Pacific Area Presidency.  He came to Tonga and meet with the young missionaries and in a separate meeting he met with the Senior Missionaries.  He spoke to us saying we just don’t know how much, how often, or how many times we as Senior Missionaries are being an example and an influence on someone else.  We may never know when that influence is happening or who it is that is being influenced, but it is happening every day and almost every moment we are in the role of senior missionary.  As he bore testimony of the Savior and our being in the Savior’s work he shared this really cool thought.  When you think ordinary (about yourself) someone else is seeing extraordinary.

Who is looking at us and seeing extraordinary?  Who might be watching us and what impact might we be making?  How might we influence another brother or sister or child, how might we influence another couple or even a family?  Which teacher are we making a difference to?  We just never know and therefore we should be the example and light that the Savior exemplified for us.  We are to be Christ like; loving and charitable, accepting and embracing, reaching outward and loosing ourselves in this work, His Work, and lifting where we stand.

December Reading Camp

Sister Holbrook conducted English Reading Camp with these groups of children who live in the two near by villages.  What an experience where the children were introduced to a world of new horizons and we were introduced to some very fond and lasting relationships with these children.


We are grateful for family who love and support us while we are away.


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