Monday, February 16, 2015

2015 School Year


The holidays and summer break is over and teachers are back.  We conducted in- service training for all of the Tongan Church Education System teachers from the four main islands.  Liahona hosted 144 teachers, counselors and administrators for welcome back in-service days.  Folau Kioa, assistant director of pacific schools, was the sponsor of this training.  He asked the ITEP missionaries to present the 2015 Seminary and Institute Priorities.  I presented on “Strengthening Unity”, Sherrie presented on “Elevate Learning”, Elder Myers spoke on “Seeking Truth”, and Elder Wood spoke on “Reaching the One”.

 We each had 30 minutes. I used a lot of pictorial examples of unity and discussed the concept of strengthening unity and some scripture references.  Sherrie used the example of an aircraft seeking to elevate and compared lift, drag, thrust and weight along with some stories from the general authorities.  We lead the charge before lunch and it felt real good what we presented and the engagement we had with the teachers.  It was pretty cool to be back in front of faculty ... but not be their supervisor or having the stress of school start up!  We love being ITEP missionaries. 


A January reading camp for local village children was sponsored by Sherrie after the holidays concluded.  Many of the same students from the December session came to the January session, which is positive indication that they like her.  During this session Sherrie added some new ideas and approached rhyming using Doctor Seuss as an approach to building vocabulary, word sounds and English enunciation.  

The kids loved it and Sherrie had an enjoyable and rewarding time.  Though she had to deal with some behavior issues this go around, it seemed she was on her game with these kids and had a very productive two weeks with them.  At the end they got to take home some more books for keeps, which is always a special gift.   And of course many new friends have been gained and it is always rewarding to exchange greetings with them when we see each other.

Nuku'alofa Tonga Temple

This tree only blossoms in December and creates a beautiful setting at the temple.  We love attending this small, cozy and intimate temple.  This temple, in ratio with endowed members within the temple district, is a very busy temple and yet it has the most peaceful and pleasant atmosphere and is a blessing to all who seek to grow spiritually closer to the Lord.